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Chapel Porth Beach and Wheal Coates Walk downloadable guide
  • Chapel Porth Beach and Wheal Coates Walk downloadable guide


    A downloadable guide for a one hour walk has history, wonderfully scenic coast paths, a beach and a woodland stream.  In places it can be quite soggy and it also has uneven tracks.  It has a reasonably steep descent and two shorter steep ascents.  Fairly short amount of off lead time for dogs.  One long section on a non pavemented road and a couple of crossings, including a car park.  Route includes a cliff path.  Near St Agnes - Area D.

    This walk is also available with the Wheal Coates Greeting Card.  

    • Conditions of sale

      All walks are supplied as pdf files.  They include one page of written information and one page with a map.  Refunds are not available for digital products such as this.  However if you cannot download a pdf please let me know so that we can arrange a different type of file.  The approximate time given is for guidance only.  All information about the walk is correct at the time of writing.  Walks are regularly checked by me, but please note that undergrowth grows, rain makes mud, and sometimes paths are unexpectedly closed.  By undertaking the walk you are accepting full responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of yourself and those in your party.

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